Monday, 15 December 2008

The Simpleness of a Stone

It’s great to have dreams and vision, but regardless of size, impact or originality…. that dream is not the prize and it never will be. The true prize is to know the one that gave you the gifts and the talents to fulfil those dreams in the first place. Not ‘know of’ or ‘believe in’ but KNOW. It’s ironic that so many passionately strive to fulfil their dreams with such diligence, but are so busy trying to achieve that they forget to diligently seek him (Lam 3:25 “God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks”). And they miss him in it all. It’s ironic because no matter how much “effort” is put into the pursuit of dreams, they will never amount to anything near what they can accomplish when we can’t first drop everything and just walk with him. I’ve heard religious opinion spout out such things as “oh I don’t like to pray for myself, it’s selfish when there’s so much need”. Actually it’s selfish not to. Because in walking in intimacy (following him with our hearts, not just in our heads), we’ll start to overflow with concern and compassion for others, cause that is God’s heart. Prayer is not a religious act, it’s a channel of communication, it’s not a wish list – it’s a conversation. It’s us opening our hearts in honesty before him, and us receiving from him. It’s one of the ways we get to know him. We also get to know him when we seek his word, which again isn’t a religious act about whizzing through as much text as possible in 5mins before bed etc. But it’s allowing ourselves time to read it with openness. And when his word and spirit becomes the fuel that drives your dreams, then they shall succeed beyond what you can imagine, because it can’t not when you’re overflowing in the secureness of who you are (in him). You’ll press on so full of confidence in what his word promises, that no matter the size of the giants you face, you can overcome them by the simpleness of a stone (1 Sam 17:50 “So David defeated the Philistine giant with only a sling and a stone. He hit him and killed him. He did not even have a sword in his hand”).Your dreams will ignite by the sheer passion that you have for life as his dreams start to become your dreams. But without seeking him first, not just as problems arise, all we do is consume time and energy, taking ground, then losing ground. The giants will always seem more menacing too because you forget the power a simple stone can have in defeating them, because you forget who is with you as you sling your stone/(your defence attack). (Psalm 18:35 “You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me, you stoop down to make me great”). To not walk in intimacy is to walk in your own strength, when David defeated Goliath it wasn’t in his own strength; (1 Sam 17:45-47 "You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, all those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; … for the battle is the Lord's"). I wonder what David as a shepherd boy may have dreamed? Considering his family standing and birth order (relevant in the day), I doubt he thought to himself ‘one day I am going to be King’. But in putting God first, in walking in intimacy … that’s exactly what he became. Focus first on seeking God, and your dreams will not only grow, but will succeed beyond what you can ever imagine; (Ephesians 3:20 Amp “Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]”).

The visible image of the invisible God

I wanna share with you the following taken from the Divine Romance, by Gene Edwards. The book is a "rendition of the love of God" telling the story of creation, the crucifixion and the resurrection from the view of angels. Automatically, some of you are going "fruity"! But this took my breath away. Never before have I considered how artistically and lovingly we were made. And more than that, it gave me a slap in the face that yes we are created in God's image and what a high calling it is to live our lives truly reflecting "his image". Even the angels marvelled at our creation. Yet our view of ourselves is never what it should be. We are commanded to love our neighbour "as ourselves" and as our Divine father also loves us.

Creation of Man

"Suddenly, the look on the face of the Creator changed. He was searching for something … something in his own being. Slowly he drew that element from out of himself and engraved it upon the clay.
With the last sculpting stroke, he stepped back from the moist sod, allowing the angels to have a full view of his completed work. They gasped in amazement and cried together,

"His image, Visible!"

"Once more the Lord God bent gently over the sculptured clay. For a moment the face of the Living God and the face carved upon the lifeless clay almost touched.
The Lord God breathed.
Clay nostrils quivered and flared. The wet clay fleshed, stiffened, stirred, and began quietly breathing.
Almost pensively the Lord stepped back. The newest of his creations turned his head … and stared for a brief moment at the panorama of celestial beings gathered about. Then, in the most natural of gestures, the rouge-tinted man sat up … turned … and serenely faced his Sculptor.
With that the Lord approached the model. Again their two faces almost touched, while angels whispered their approval.
"Why, why … they are almost like brothers."
Of all the innumerable creatures fashioned by his poetic hand, there was but one of whom it could be said, "The Lord God was thinking of himself when he created this one." And, as the angels had surmised, this latest and final creation was male.

Creation of Woman

One angel, most irreverently, cried aloud the thoughts of all: "He is not making another Ish (man). This one is alike, yet different. As the lioness is to the lion, so is this out-of-man (from the rib). But never, never cried the wayward angel, "was a lion or lioness as beautiful as this."
Another angel broke the confines of restraint. "Nor was even man so beautiful as this!" he exclaimed. With that, the vaults of heaven broke open, and in one full-throated shout, all heavenly beings proclaimed:

Never was, nor e'er shall be
As beautiful a thing as she.
All hosts in heaven's court,
All creatures on earthern sod,
It matters not the tribe nor race,
One sight alone can be
More beautiful than she.
It is the face of God.

Now compare that image to the image of woman portrayed in the first paragraph below:

Holy Wagner "God Chicks"

"Millions of women around the world have not been blessed with the liberation that most of us take for granted. Some girls in India and Southeast Asia are sold into brothels so that their families can avoid having to feed one more mouth. Millions of baby girls in China were aborted or murdered simply because they were female. Some cultures still don't educate girls, feeling that they are inferior to boys. So you and I have a job to do. Interestingly enough, if you look at a map of the world's most poverty and disease stricken spots, and you overlay it with a map of the parts of the world where women are the most oppressed, you will find them to be identical. A nation can't oppress half of God's children and expect to be blessed. (very interesting!)

You have a responsibility to womanhood on the planet to be all that you were created to be. Do it for that young girl in Pakistan whose skin, because of the clothes she is required to wear, may never see the sun. Do it for the woman in the Middle East who is married to a man who continually abuses her and from whom she can't escape. Do it for the woman in central Africa who had to undergo female genital mutilation and so will not only never experience pleasure in intercourse, but will continually be plagued by infections. Don't hide behind fear or anger or a lack of confidence. You were put on the planet for "such a time as this". Now is your time. The world is counting on you ."

Do what you can with what you have, wherever you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

I think you'll agree that those womans' lives have been stolen from, that the enemy has wrought destruction there and that the enemy has tried to mask and hide their value and identity. But then I thought of myself, who although free, can let fear or doubt make my dreams seem far away or unobtainable, and that doesn't mirror the image of "woman" that God created either. And more so than that, whenever I let pain from my past bruise my heart, or I let a lie or insecurity speak to my future, then that doesn't mirror the "visible image of the invisible God" either. The angels of heaven were poised in anticipation when God created man and woman (and the above isn't gender specific – the male image has come under so much attack through the ages, that half the men of this world aren't even sure who they are, because they don't have a revelation of who they were created to be). The world is counting on all of us. God is counting on us – he won't force us to act, rather "the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (2 Chron 16:9) . So next time I'm thinking, I can't really take 5 minutes out of my day to start reading a book that could help me grow, or I'm far, far to busy to say a few words of encouragement to someone, or to notice a need. Then I pray that I'd remember that I bear the image of god and that I live and breath for such a time as this. Living life to the full is not an option, it's a command engraved on our very hearts. [ Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Amp) "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]..",
And there's a whole world out there that needs the same revelation we have, that we are not that which may have been abused by the world, or our own low expectations of ourselves, but that we are sons and daughters made in his image, rightful heirs to the King of Kings. Eternally cherished.


"Fear isn't just a reaction to external circumstances. It's a spiritual force. It begins inside a person. And it is totally destructive. In fact, fear is Satan's primary weapon. He moves in response to fear, the way God moves in response to faith. He challenges the promises of God with it.

Faith is developed by meditating on God's Word. Fear is developed by meditating on Satan's lies. " (Kenneth Copeland)

Psalm 27:5

For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

Ok so it's easy to talk about overcoming fear when things aren't rocky, but when trouble comes we freak out and forgot not to be afraid! So I am determined to remember - "Ok Victoria, this is one of those 'days of trouble' God warned me about, but take a breath girl, as he will still keep me " safe", "shelter and hide me" and "set me high upon a rock ", basically meaning that in the midst of that "trouble" - I'm un-touchable!

"Don't let fear keep you small. Don't let fear contain the potential inside you. Every person who ever did anything amazing started out just a bit afraid." (Holly Wagner - God Chicks). So even though those emotions of fear might be there, as Joyce Meyer says "Do it afraid" as God's word promises, we're untouchable!

2 Corinthians 12:9

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me”

The word translated "strength" in this scripture is dunamis. It means "God's miracle-working power ." I think 'strength' is a word that can become a bit blasé, because we use it in our every day language, but in this context it certainly has a whole lot more of a kick to it! (I'm more than happy to have that "miracle-working" power "resting on me"!! and I've certainly got enough areas of weakness for it to do so too!). Be encouraged guys to start attacking those areas of fear in your life, cause they are the biggest hindrance in your life moving forward, and you have far too much greatness within you to be hindered!!